NCFCU is awarding two $500 scholarships!
We are now accepting applications for the 2021 Walter T. Lightner Memorial Scholarship! NCFCU will be awarding two $500.00 scholarships.
- Have an NCFCU account established in your name.
- Be a high school senior or graduate with proof of acceptance for full-time enrollment in a certified school of higher education.
- Must maintain at least a 2.5 grade-point average and provide an official grade transcript.
- Submit an application (following all qualifications) and a 300 word essay addressing the following topic: What are the benefits of establishing positive savings habits at a young age?
Application deadline is Wednesday, March 31st, 2021.
Please see application below:
#2021WalterTLightnerScholarship #Scholarship #Member #YouthAccounts #NCFCU #CreditUnionDifference #YourCommunityCreditUnion