Don’t Panic. It’s just two giveaways in one month!

Don’t Panic. It’s just two giveaways in one month! featured image

Summer will be here before we know it, and what better way to plan your family vacations than with a Visa® Credit Card from your community credit union! Life is too short to worry about having enough cash for every purchase!
To make things even better, any member that is approved for an NCFCU Visa® Credit Card,
will be entered to win a Yeti® Cooler!

NCFCU is thrilled to announce a very special giveaway! We are giving away two tickets to a movie of your choice with a small popcorn and soda for you and your guest at the West Shore Theatre!
To be entered to win, like and share this post and comment below who you would like to take to the movies on NCFCU’s Facebook!🍿 📽️
