April is National Credit Union Youth Month at NCFCU!

Every April the Credit Union National Association features National Credit Union Youth Month with the goal of teaching children and youth about establishing healthy savings habits from a young age, while making saving fun and exciting!
This year’s theme is ” Save Small. Dream Big.🌈 at your credit union™”.⭐
Credit Unions across the country participate in this month-long event inspired by our credit union youth members and NCFCU is proud to participate!
Youth Members can complete our Youth Month Coloring Page and return it to one of our NCFCU branches. Entries will be submitted into our coloring contest and one lucky youth member will win a gift basket prize!
*Contest begins Friday, April 1st, 2022 at 8:00a and ends Saturday, April 30th, 2022 at 1:00p. Winner will be announced Monday, May 2nd, 2022. One entry per youth member.
NCFCU’s youth members can participate in our Youth Month Savings Challenge!
*Must be a youth member at NCFCU. Must be a Forest Friend, Eagle Earner, and Park Ranger to participate. Youth member must be present when turning in completed savings challenge to receive gift card prize. Gift card will be delivered electronically to email address provided on redemption form at the time of submission. One savings challenge per member; cannot redeem for multiple gift card prizes. Challenge begins Friday, April 1st at 8:00a and ends Tuesday, May 31st at 4:30p.
#YourCommunityCreditUnion #CUYouthMonth #NCFCU #NCFCyoUth