Get The Most Out of Every Dollar You Spend With A NCFCU Visa Credit Card
Always Low Rate – 6.9% APR
We all have different reasons why we use or want a credit card! Many members rely on it for everyday purchases, some carry their card for emergencies and others choose to increase their purchasing power!
Features and Benefits
Rates as low as 6.9% APR
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate.
No Annual Fees, Cash Advance Fees, Finance charges, or Balance transfer Fees
We don’t like fees either. That is why we don’t charge for many fees that other cards impose.
No Transaction Fee
No Balance Transfer Fee
25-Day Interest Free Grace Period
You’ll have 25 days to pay off your purchases before you start accumulating interest.
Loss of Life, Injury or Illness, and Unemployment Protection Available
Please see loan department for details.

Credit Card Services
If you can’t locate your card or want to prevent any unauthorized purchases, members can lock and unlock their Credit or Debit Cards through Online and Mobile Banking with the click of a button.